You ask, I answer.

Most common questions asked when

sourcing a provider of security services.

Coffee and chat with Diane discussing business BECBC

Dianne of BECBC & Adrian : Coffee time.

Throughout my time being active in the Security Industry, I have been asked many questions and I have also asked many questions to others.

Listed below are the subjects of numerous questions asked of AJ-Security and about the industry itself.

There are literally thousands of security businesses throughout the United Kingdom, some large, some massive, some not so large and some starting out building growth and reputation.

Most of the security providers in the industry that I have worked with, are up there with the best and providing everything expected from a Local - National company.

Asked and answered.

What are Accreditations?

Accreditations of a potential supplier are very important and should be considered by the client when choosing the provider for security services. There are many accreditations within the industry to promote very good quality management which instils confidence while also differentiating between security businesses. A company that goes 'all out' to gain recognised accreditations with the intention of gaining valued contracts is one step ahead of those companies who just turn up, price the job and do it.

AJ-Security has numerous accreditations to their name which reflect the seriousness of their intention to become a leader of the industry.

We have to date, achieved the following awards:

Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS)

ISO 9001:2015

Cyber essentials

Safe Contractor

To achieve these through tried and tested methods in only a short period of time since being founded in 2018, highlights the determination and dedication in which all clients receive, and benefit from knowing that they have invested and placed their trust in a company that values relationships, safety, peace of mind, exceptional value and referrals.

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Is the business and your employees insured?

Insurance is a must in every industry and walk of life.

Employees and clients having knowledge that the services delivered are fully insured against any accidents, incidents or occurrences are vital.

Unfortunately there are workers in the industry operating without insurance or accounts with HMRC.

These people are who greatly affect the industry.

Risking use of a company/person that has no insurance, could result in a cost the customer, the 'worker' and may on occasions carry a hefty penalty too.

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Do you use Subcontractors?

We do not use subcontractors for our full time or lengthy contracts.

Instead we recruit experienced male and females who already possess qualities required, and their SIA licence, plus have knowledge for the intended location.

We also recruit locally from unemployment by fully training them using our sister company AJ Training Academy to prepare them for job roles and interact them with our experienced officers to benefit from tried and tested methods of dedication, duty of care, professionalism and operating with an open-mind.

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Do you provide security services outside of Cumbria?

We proudly provide security services throughout the United Kingdom for security guarding, festivals/events and Door Supervision.

Our services are delivered professionally with a personal touch from the knowledge and skills of the management team.

Company reputation is every thing when it comes to client partnership.

Initially focused on protecting people and properties in Cumbria, we have since expanded our area of operations throughout the United Kingdom, but sill offering the same vital reassurances as if it was on our doorstep.

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Do you accept contracts from National Companies?

YES! The company accepts contracts from National suppliers and local suppliers who for whatever reason cannot fill the required positions.

These could be occasional contracts, full time, short term, seasonal and open-ended in duration.

We are all in this together and making it work is key to keeping assets, premises, locations, visitors, ticketholders, commercial and residential properties safe and secure.

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Do you recognise good work?

YES! Good work is recognised by members of the public, clients and their employees.

Very often members of our own workforce make me aware of good deeds, exceptional 'above & beyond' efforts provided.

Good work also includes going 'above and beyond' expectations to help the company meet the demand of our contracts, or covering sickness, annual leave and 'one off' commitments at short notice.

For the above reasons, the company identifies the male or female officer deserving the recognition and appreciation the most and awards them the highly sought 'Employee of the Month' award.

On occasions there maybe two Employees of the month.

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Has the security industry changed since you began in 1989?

One hundred percent!

The security industry has done a complete 180 degree turn since back in the late 80's.

Professionalism and the nature of the industry has improved immensely.

The introduction of requirements brought in by the Security Industry Authority has helped improve the Industry by involving standards, policies and strict guidelines.

Some very respected security officers failed to continue in the industry since these policies were implemented, and for a short while, the licenced venues suffered as a result, but over time with the help of courses and more, this matter was overcome and now the licenced operatives are 'all on the same page' and the industry is moving in the best direction.

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What is your opinion of the Approved Contractor Scheme?

Introduced by the Security Industry Authority, the ACS has gained further recognition for those companies who strive to reach a level above other providers for security services.

The ACS is an accreditation with very strict guidelines, and policies to ensure that professionalism is maintained, this includes Quality Management, Professionalism, duty of care for employees and also enforces a thorough recruitment process and before and after care for clients.

The ACS is audited by a third party annually to ensure consistency happens, and continues, we successfully passed our most recent assessment in January 2024.

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What determines the hourly rate?

Very good question.

Rates of pay are never below the NMW and where a client settles an invoice directly and not through a 2nd or 3rd party, then our employees are paid their true value of worth to the company.

Occasionally large companies win contracts and they outsource it to a supplier. This does not hinder our service delivery or professionalism, and those on the ground are always paid above or equal to the National Living Wage, soon to be increased to the Minimum Living Wage.

Direct contracts or second in line contracts are preferred so that true value can be paid to our employees and maintain a strong and reliable team of male and female security officers.

Sub contract work is accepted upon agreement.

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What makes an ideal customer?

Ideal customers are those who require security services and hopefully regard it as an investment for peace of mind, not as just an on cost.

An 'ideal customer' is maybe a company decision maker who already receive services from another supplier but perhaps not fully satisfied with the service being received, perhaps they believe that the service received could be greatly improved, or quite possibly there is belief that they are paying to much per hour, and could receive better for less, or the same.

A customer is a person or business who value commitment, resources and working relationships while also not seeing the price as a cost, towards a safe and secure environment for their customers, visitors and employees to operate safely.

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Do I make AJ-Security appear on the radar of those requiring security?

Social Media and our website is available to anyone at home, work or out and about. We are active on Facebook and LinkedIn to keep our potential clients, prospects and current clients fully aware and up to date with our company values and direction. Keeping updated with our progress and aims on a regular basis, and our success stories could be just what is needed to gain your as a new client or reassure current clients that they choose a dedicated company. Why? Because we care.

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